for me

Saturday, April 09, 2005

MINDS carnival.. FUn fun.. wake up at like 5.45.. then rush off to meet aaron.. Crap la.. keep forgetting things. bak and fro. in the end meet him only at 6.20.. zz

Went off to meet wai sum then we proceeded to see the minds kids. wee hao reached there damn early.. so we went to finalise stuffs and ya.. Reached school... took some photos then become the MASCOT.. DAMN!!!! omg.. OMG.. i dont noe how i got that role.. but obviously i got saboed by everyone.. but it's ok la.. good experience.. minds kids keep hugging me.. then mentors keep asking who i am.. then they all keep wanting to take photos with me.. sianz.. alot of them know me..( not tying to show off.. but trying to show how bad it was to be the mascot) then keep following me around.. AH!!! then morrison seniors like mark and co.. keep asking me do things for them.. like attract minds kids.. lol.

It was damn fun la.. i was like drenched when i come out. lol. so went around slacking with yelin and wai sum and yu heng and shawn. fun . slept in class room haha..

jia en and aaron and co.. went off to rjc to do what.. again.. dont noe what's wrong with them.. haha.. particularly jia en and aaron..

send the minds kids home then went to atrium.. clean up then took some photos for the interact comm... then they thank me and wai sum.. for helping up in the preparation and stuffs like that.. feel good.. haha.

Rock on.. was kinda cool!!


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